Friends with benefits?


So I met this guy on Tinder and we started talking to each other about three weeks ago. We have been on about three official dates and have hung out more than that. We have had sex five times and I have spent the night two times. (This adds up to almost a full week of hanging out over this short period of time.)

I have met his roommates and a couple of his friends. We watched the Super Bowl together. He has made me about four meals.

Today I asked him what he wanted from our relationship and his answers seemed kinda wavering. At first he said he just wanted sex to be the outcome. But only because he didn’t want us to get hurt. He said that we might have to limit our time together especially because he has a lot of exams coming up this week.

I asked him if he wanted to see people other than me And he said he doesn’t want to see anyone else at the moment. He also said that he thinks about me even though he might not text me. He said the reason why sometimes he doesn’t message me is because he knows that we would end up hanging out.

Today I asked him to lunch and then we ended up spending the ENTIRE day together. And it was his idea to spend the day together. We were together for about 12 hours today. That’s what it’s like when we hang out.

I guess my question to you all is this

1. Have you been in a similar friends with benefits/ relationship type?

2. If so, have you/ or the other person caught feelings? And how did you deal?

3. Are there any boundaries that I should keep?

4. Does it seem like he might be feeling more than lust towards me? I am biased.

Thank you for reading and helping out! If you need any more details, let me know! 💕💕💕