Just need to rant!

So where I live has experienced some heavy rain and pretty bad flooding. My main way to work is compltley flooded out. No way at all through it. The city I work in is experiencing extreme flooding as well. My supervisor is very upset that I can't get to work. Telling me i need to seek an alternate route. The only other alternate route I have would take at least 2 hours to get to work. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't work 10 hour shifts. So after a 10 hour shift and a 2 hour drive home, I would literally need to go straight to sleep so I could get up early enough for another 2 hour drive to work the next morning. I think it's a bit much to ask an employee to go that far out of their way to try to get to work. Don't get me wrong I very much understand how important it is to go to work. But when it comes to something such as this, it's out of my hands. Opinions?