New Doctor FINALLY!


So I had a major issue with my last doctor and she had labeled me a high risk and never gicen me any explanation and I couldnt get answers from her office (I will definitely not recommend them or attempt to use them again.) Anyways I had left a message for another dr in town who had been out on vacation and didnt really know if she took my insurance. SHE DOES! So excited and spoke to her nurse about my anxiety over the high risk mark and no explanations. So she had the doc look over my labs and other tests. Turns out there zero issues except I have no immunity to Rubella so I need to avoid feverish red rashy children. I guess this isnt a life threatening thing and its actually very uncommon so she didnt see why my prior doctor tried to use it to call me high risk. However its good to know. Also feels amazing that I now can say I have a doctor who will answer my questions and address concerns. I've had a miserable pregnancy with my other doc and now I feel I might finally get somewhere. It really has sucked my sole source of info has been google and this app from start to now with absolutely no real information that isnt conflicting in a million places. It really sucked being a ftm and feeling so alone with no answers.