Working after baby



I’m a nurse and I’m trying to look for a job if I need one that’s different after I have my baby due in October! I am looking for what is best for my baby! I currently work 12 hrs shifts three days a week. 7a-7p. And I work every third weekend. I am interviewing for jobs that are more like 8-5 mon-fri. But I’m scared to leave 12s! Every 2.5 weeks I get 7 days off which is so nice I’m just thinking I could be home with the baby. But I also leave at 630a and usually don’t get home until 8 - 830pm. My husband works mom-Friday 8-5. I just think he would be putting the baby to bed on those third weekends and every night I work. Plus I am exhausted when I get home. How beneficial is it to be home in the evenings with your baby?

Thanks Julia