Over sensitive?

Just had a fight with my boyfriend and he is saying I’m overreacting. Some background: I have pretty bad skin, cystic acne, patchy redness and I recently developed a case of peri-oral dermatitis (google it, it’s fantastic).

He knows I’m HELLA self conscious about it. So today he makes a “joke” about a huge cyst on my forehead, how it could poke him in the eye, and a couple other things. All I said was “rude, I don’t make jokes about the things you are self conscious about” and went and put more make up on.

Now I’m the bad guy and over sensitive. I told him he needs to think about the things he says before he says them and he literally said that he doesn’t have to think about anything, he should just be able to say whatever and I shouldn’t be hurt so easily. I told him that the reason I get hurt is because I care about his opinion, but I’m still the bad guy.

Was it an overreaction to get hurt by his “joke”?

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