Changes in nipples and Areola...

Ashley • 30. Marine Wife. MMC 11/13/18 👼. 🌈 👶🏻 8/29/19 MC 12/15/20 👼 🌈👶🏻 11/24/21

I am very aware of my body changes and I’m in my TWW and I’ve noticed a lot of changing in my nipple and Areola... my life boob is bigger which my Areola is bigger but it has been rapidly increasing in size and slightly misshapen. My right one is a little bigger and they both look slightly darker and my nipples look normal pink red with a slight dark ring around each of them. This is strange for me idk if this could be an early pregnancy symptom or I’m just losing my mind!!! Any thoughts or ideas?! Has anyone else experienced this?