Recent in-clinic procedure... the days after


I recently had an abortion (surgical) at PP on Saturday. These past few days have been rough. I was completely unprepared for how I feel now. Regret, isn’t necessarily what I’m talking about.

I’ve found it that the only way I can compare the feeling is to that of putting a loved pet to sleep. You’re doing what’s best, but it’s still heartbreaking if you have seen ultrasounds, thought about names, genders, and a future with this potential child. If you hadn’t been supported by the father, then I’m sure you share in my feelings. It’s what’s best.

There is a feeling of relief when all is said and done. And where I can’t say for sure if it’s painful or not because it varies from person to person, all I can say is the mental pain, especially when facing it alone is the difficult part.

This is in NO WAY meant to discourage someone from making this choice. But rather to take your time in choosing and to not let ANYONE away you pro or against keeping it. In the end, it’s you. You’re the one raising the child and if you think (if even the smallest part inside you thinks you should keep it, and that you’ll be able to do it) there is no doubt in my mind that you can do it.

I know this was the right decision for me, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. The staff at Planned Parenthood was absolutely incredible, and they are not forceful. They however will be honest. It will take time to make your choice. Just don’t rush the decision.