Do you see it?


Little background story; I was supposed to ovulate on 1/22 I even used OPK’s and got a obvious surge 1/22

And when my period didn’t come as planned on 2/5. Glow adjusted my ovulation date from 1/22 to 1/30 and said af was supposed to show 1/12. Well fast forward to yesterday she didn’t show. And so it again adjusted my ovulation day to 2/2 and it shows that my period is going to show 2/17 but the thing is, my last period was from 1/7-1/14 so that makes no sense. Help a sista out. I’m beyond confused! Is my body not releasing an egg? Am I not ovulating correctly? Do you see a line in the pictures above? Anyone gone through anything like this before? Suggestions would be appreciated! This wasn’t fmu but I’m on a night schedule so it was after a 5 hour nap! Thanks in advance for the help ladies.

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