Babyless-less of a woman

Maybe I’m all alone in my self pity 😂 but does anyone feel like others feel they are “less of a woman” for not having any children yet? My husband and I aren’t ready yet, we are way more responsible than any of our friends 🤷🏼‍♀️ we have been together 5 years, married, bought and OWN our own house , own all of our vehicles and have no debt.. we are waiting until August to start trying for a baby but it seems everyone who already has children talk “down” to me for not having any yet. Like for example a group of women were talking about the pain of child birth and saying “well you wouldn’t understand” or a mom said to me “you just don’t get what it’s like when you have kids” 🙄🙄🙄🙄 uh okay. I’m still a human and have feelings and while I can’t understand exactly why you’re so excited about little jimmy eating applesauce for the first time, I can still relate to you 😧 does this only happen to me?!