Did your pets tell you that you were pregnant?

I have a little kitten. She's been acting very differently towards me lately. For example, she used to bite me very hard and claw me when she didn't want to be pet and be loved on. Lately to let me know, she softly bites me. She used to want to play and rough house with my feet and hands, but now she only plays with my husband that way. I've been wondering, has anybody else's pet's attitude changed after you got pregnant? Oh yeah, she also wants to cuddle with my stomach lately. At night time, she normally sleeps at the top of the bed on my pillows, but lately, she's been sleeping next to my stomach. She's now 3 months old. She also loves getting attention for me when I wake up. She meows in my face to make sure I get up after my alarm goes off. Lol. I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet as my husband and I like to wait until my period is a week late. AF isn't supposed to show until February 22. Also, here's a cat tax picture for reading though this post.