General/relationshp/lifestyle Advice needed!


Now please don’t assume nasty things because I’ll be talking about the problem and not all the good stuff here.

I’ve recently decided to change my lifestyle and lose my weight, which means a lot of changes are happening. (Yay for weight loss!)

However the problem is my partner isn’t ready/doesn’t want to/isn’t prepared to make such a change and commitment himself.

This is kinda an issue considering I isn’t financially feasible for me to buy food for myself to lose weight and buy the crap he usually eats.

Please do keep in mind he is suffering from a severe period of depression and panic issues, though it’s my opinion that making such a change would benefit him and make him feel better.

I feel like I’m moving forward in life and being dragged down right now, and I’m not sure what to do. I’d like to help him but he’s not very good at speaking about how he feels and doesn’t know how I can help.

I want to help him as his partner but also achieve my own goals, and want my goals to be OUR goals but I don’t know what to do.

Recently if I go away and come home the house is an absolute mess and I don’t even know where to start. I’m not his mother, he doesn’t seem to have any issue with his space being full of trash and clutter, and it makes me feel like it isn’t okay to want a clean living space.

So what I’m asking is how can I work with him to compromise a way to change our lifestyle together to lose weight, and also change the way chores are currently being handle, aka not being done at all or very slowly because I can only do so much