Feeling sooo hopeless about TTC


I wish this Valentine's day was a better one. I started my period yesterday. I feel like every months I my heart is breaking I'm stressing out! All I am thinking about and saying in my mind in Please God let me get pregnant! and every month I accruing and hating myself. what is wrong with me why can't I get pregnant!? I try and try. I am trying to eat healthy I'm tracking my period and my ovulation, and nothing!. July will be a year that we have been trying. and my doctor said that after you have been trying a year, and nothing has happened, is when they look into fertility issues. I'm 30... I don't think I'm that old. WHATS WRONG WITH ME!. I DO have a son, who is 7 yrs old and I love him to death, he is always asking me and telling me "mom I have no one to play with I'm always playing with my toys by myself." that doesn't help me every month either. I want him to be happy too so I feel more pressure to get pregnant. I want another baby so bad and this process and waiting torture. I DO everything I can( or I think I am... any pointers I would love to hear them) and all I'm doing is counting the day till my "missed"period... and like clock work ... that ominous AF is always breaking my heart! I don't know what to do. I know stress is not good for TTC, but whoever made that rule obviously is not a woman... or is a woman who is a fertile mertile!.