Horrible Valentine’s Day😔


Me and my boyfriend of 4 years split up a little over a month ago but we do still live together and we don’t fight it’s just sad right now. I’m in the middle of taking all my stuff out. Well today I have pneumonia so I’m home and he is at work. I was looking on Instagram just scrolling though and this girl Ik from high school picture pops up and she has her belly showing her hair is dark and straight and she’s curvy and what not. I look down and see his insta name on one of her likes.

When I saw it my heart sank and I’ll tell u why. It is not because he liked another girls photo, I was never that kind of person it’s because I remember a couple of months ago on his Instagram search feed she was on it... but I didn’t say anything because at the time it was whatever and I wasn’t worried about it. Now Iv come to realize that he liked her... so now I’m in shock over this because I’m having a horrible time dealing with it all in the first place and he’s just seems to be moving on like fucking nothing. I put my phone down for a minute and think well what’s on his insta page because idk I just never check it out and when I opened I had to hold my tears back because my mother was around. He took all of our pictures down... All 4 years of memories just deleted like nothing...

My world is falling apart around me from dealing with our relationship, to finding a job, to getting my car on the road, to moving, to trying not to fall into a depression that I had 2 years ago, and I haven’t told my family any of this... I don’t know how to control myself right now... I’m so upset...