Rice cereal in formula?


I’m conflicted.

So my 3 month old baby started sleeping through the night at one month old. And she would fall asleep at like 8.

Now, she won’t fall asleep till 4 in the morning and won’t wake up til about 12-1 with feedings in between. Now both of our sleeping schedules are all screwed up. We do a routine every night and she’ll fall asleep for an hour but be up again. Should I️ start cereal?

My mom thinks I️ should because she started us with cereal around this time. She has 4 perfectly healthy adult children.

Now, a lot of people suggest it but on the internet everyone says not to. So what should I️ do. I️ want to get her on a better sleeping schedule, not to get her to sleep during the night.

Anyone have any thoughts?