any advice?

So im needing some advice. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years we live together. I love this man so much but recently I just have not been happy with our relationship. I feel like he doesn't want me anymore I have told him this and he says that's not true and that he loves me so much. I've told him I feel like he's emotionally and physically unattached because he never talks about what he's feeling I know most men are like that but I mean even his thoughts about stuff he always says idk or if im talking to him about my feelings or things I've been talking about it's like im talking to a wall because he won't say anything and I confront him about it and he's like idk what im supposed to say that's why I don't say anything... Another thing that's bugging me is he won't have sex with me the only time he does is if he's tired of me trying to initiate it. But he has no problem masturbating cause I have caught him doing it. like this morning he got up for work I got up and filled my water bottle and went back to bed i noticed it got really quite but I knew he was still in the kitchen. So I walk out and he had his hand down his pants and im like really and he started acting like he was adjusting himself. kinda pissed me off he's like what I was adjusting my dick i was like you need porn to adjust your dick? he's like I had morning wood I needed to move it so it would go away...

So I don't know what to do I have talked to him several times if there is something wrong. I've asked him if he's bored of sex and that we could try other stuff and he says there's nothing wrong he likes the sex with me when we do have it.. one other thing I have thought about was there could be more tension between us because I lost my job a few months ago and havnt been able to find another in my field since then that's when I have really noticed us arguing more because he always spends his money on stupid shit and I try to get him to save money or pay his car loan off so idk