12 Weeks ☺️

I could not be any less focused tonight - it feels SO GOOD to be able to finally talk about this little miracle baby! It's not much but I'm finally starting to look less like I ate a dozen donuts and more like I'm growing a human 🍪

Here are some fun facts I learned:

✨ last week my baby's intestines were delivered from the umbilical cord to inside their body (thank you 'What To Expect When You're Expecting' for that ☺️)

✨ baby has doubled in size in the last 3 weeks

✨ I'm no doctor and googling things while pregnant is scary

✨ these boards and tiny letters are a pain in the butt

✨ we hopefully get to hear the baby's heartbeat tomorrow! We saw it on the ultrasound but haven't heard it 🙈👍🏻