Bailey Jade βœ¨πŸ‘‘πŸ’œ


It's finally my turn for my birth story! Kinda long, but I like to paint the picture for people when I tell a story lol.. bare with me πŸ€—

Soooo my pregnancy has been an easy one under the circumstances of dealing with the some symptoms here & there. But for the most part I feel so lucky & blessed.

I worked up until Jan. 31st with a due date of Feb. 16th. Of course by now, I'm itchinggggg to meet my little girl to the fact that I selfishly inquired about getting induced, although I was terrified of Labor & didn't know what to expect. My doctor told me on Wednesday that they would induce me at 39 + 3, which was Monday, Feb. 12th & I was currently 38+5 & 1 cm dilated. Now I'm like holy crap, it's REAL...I'm about to be someone's mom. (FTM here lol) I tried to self induce with the raspberry leaf tea, spicy foods & pineapples but only had a couple cramps here & there. Dr. said my body was stubborn.

I came in Sunday at 9:00 p.m. and was surprised by mom who was sitting in the waiting room. She was suppose to come Monday morning 😬 ( love that woman, she has been the absolute best throughout this whole thing) anywho, I was checked in & put in my room. The initial nurse could not get my IV in πŸ˜‘ called 2 more nurses & the last nurse finally got it after 3 pokes. Thankfully I have a good pain tolerance when it comes to needle. I was 1.5 cm when she checked me, she then gave me a pill within 4 hours of each other that started my contractions. I got to a 3 & she gave me a shot in my IV to take the edge off, which worked so I could get some type of rest (sorry I can't remember the medical terms lol πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ) After the 2 or 3 doses, i was put on pitocin then my water broke on it's on, it was like a small gush. I told my bf & he checked me lol cause I wasn't sure if I just tinkled on myself. The 2nd nurse Trina came, Thank God, I remember her name cause she played a major part in my birth story. She checked me & I was at a 4, they were painful round 9 a.m. The anesthesiologist didn't take long at all πŸ‘πŸ½ the epidural didn't hurt at all. Now Trina puts my catheter in right away cause I told her I had to tinkle &the; epidural had not set yet so that was not the best feeling. But boyyyyy it felt good to not get up to go to the bathroom 238 times. The epidural gave me horrible shakes tho, which scared me cause I never experienced anything like it. They said it was because of anesthesia causing your body temperature to not adjust to warmth & it was a side effect. But I could not feel anything, like I could tell a contraction was coming but I could not feel it. HUGE RELIEF. I got to a 6 & baby girl bp started to drop due to the pitocin πŸ™ƒ she also pooped in the sac which showed in my water when it broke, so my angel was very uncomfortable. They kept tossing & turning & checking me, I became scared but Trina, my mom & bf talked me through it. Trina kept telling me how I was handling everything with patience & a smile, she said I was one of her best patients especially under the circumstances. πŸ™‚

Eventually my Dr. said okay, we're going to do what's best for you & your baby to get this baby out. I knew what that meant & honestly I was fine with it. I didn't really have an ideal birth in my head, but of course, a C-Section was not at the top of my list. By this time my mom & bf are comforting me, but I think I handled the news with calm & positivity. I prayed & had faith in God. They got me prepped & sent me on my way. (My mom told me as my bf was getting ready to meet me in the OR, he was pacing & started crying because he was scared for me & baby girl. She gave him a much needed hug to pull himself together πŸ’œ)

back in the OR room, they give me another epidural & some other powerful numbing medicine..I couldn't wiggle my toes or nothing. SCARY, but I tried to remain calm. Meanwhile everyone in there is having a FULL BLOWN CONVERSATION like on Greys Anatomy or something lol. I was wide awake but dosing off cause I was exhausted & 15 minutes later my beautiful baby girl, Bailey Jade was born on Feb. 12, 2018 at 1:50 p.m. weighing 6 lbs 10 oz & 19 in. long 😩 πŸ’œ

I never felt love this powerful. She is everything! I call her #MyLight ✨

S.N. I recommend NOT GETTING INDUCED unless for medical reasons. Of course all inductions don't end in C Sections, but I do believe if I would've delivered vaginally and just waited til my body & baby was ready naturally, I would have pushed her out. Plus, Google warned me that there was a 50% chance I'll have a C-Section if induced. Lol However, I don't regret it at all, to's a good story to tell. & I AM INCREDIBLY PROUD OF MYSELF. God held on to us throughout the entire experience & we are both healthy. It's going to be a tough recovery, but I'm healing great. Any who, I'm done talking your ears off...IM OFFICIALLY APART OF THE MOMS CLUBπŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§. S/O to US!

*She has a little Angel Kiss below her left eyebrow & on the back of her neck 😍*