nervous about next ultrasound appt!


so at 8 weeks and 5 days we had a great appointment and heart rate was 194 (dr was extremely happy about this because baby was measuring 9 weeks 1 day ahead this was jan 26, 2018). however, after having a miscarriage in june 2017, i can't help but have it in the back of my mind everything that happened when we had our appt in june. we had experienced a mmc(no symptoms or spotting) , dr did not have any concerns at our 7 wk appt(we had a heartbeat and everything) but had me come back at 9 weeks to redate and remeasure(june 2017). of course we were devastated and i was there alone and receiving that information by yourself is awful. looking back, i should have known something was wrong because she wanted me to come back for another confirmation. i am sure that im not the only one who has gone through this. anyway, i just cant help but have that memory in the back of my mind. i am sure everything is fine but wanted to vent to someone and hoping to find a way to cope until our appointment on friday. i am just looking for encouraging words and prayers. comments are appreciated! i will keep you all updated! Thank you all!