Elliana Ysobel πŸ’œ


I did it.

Long story, be prepared for a wall of text.

Went to womens assessment on Tuesday the 13th of Feb to find out what was going on with my baby's head being oblique. Turns out I was also contracting and so, I got admitted. I had doctors in and out and at first check I was 1cm dilated and 2cm long with a posterior cervix.

Nurses kept coming through and telling me I was nil by mouth for food and drink in the event something happened and I needed a ceaser. I was left in a room all day/night. I heard woman after woman going past my doorway in to the delivery suite. I was hooked up to fluids around the clock to stop me dehydrating because I was still nil by mouth.

Docs came in at 6am on Valentines Day (yesterday) to discuss my options with an oblique baby. At the scan they did, she had slipped head in! So they asked again: Induction via ARM or Ceaser? I told them Indiction via ARM for a vbac attempt. Signed paperwork relating to a ceaser as well (as a just in case), and was wheeled over to delivery at 9.15am.

I had two doctors break my water at 9.35am and they left me for an hour and a half to see if contractions would pick up on their own. At 12 they came back after their lunch break and did an internal exam which showed I had a posterior cervix at 2cm and I was 3-4cm dilated! Progress!!! More fluids were set up and an oxytocin drip was started to kick start contractions and labor. A doc finally let me eat for the first time in 40hrs; it was only cereal and toast but holy crap it was good!

My midwife was called while a hospital midwife set up the oxy drip. Nothing much happened aside from contractions that were picking up, gas that did nothing to help (I was using it wrong), and oxy getting steadily turned up. My midwife arrived and took over. At 4.30pm she did another internal exam that showed I was still posterior cervix, 2cm long and 3-4cm dilated. At this point my oxy was on level 12 and so I asked for the epi just to get through contractions.

Midwife left shortly after so I could get some

Sleep with the epi but scheduled another internal exam with the next midwives on duty at around 8.30pm. I had a hospital midwife and a 3rd year midwifery student (You should allow them If you can, they're wonderful. I also allowed a 5th year med student to watch in on the oxy, epi and contractions). At 8.30 they did an internal that showed... I was 1.5cm long, posterior cervix and 3-4cm dilated with my daughter raising out of my cervix and lodging oblique again.

Surgeons and the registrar came in and told me that my vbac attempt was over as they couldn't allow me to stay on the oxy longer than 8hrs and nothing had changed so it became a failed induction/non-progressing labor. We waited from 9pm when they said we'd be doing surgery, but there were a number of emergencies that came through who were priority (which is fine; one was bleeding excessively so I understood) and my daughter was on constant monitoring and appeared to be happy. My husband and I slept for as much as possible (I still had an epi line in), though my body was shutting down so I needed additional oxygen to sleep with as I wasn't breathing properly when I did sleep. At 4am surgeons revisited with good news: It was my turn!

The anaesthetist came in and started the epi line drip again and gave me 2 shots through the line to start off the numbing process. We were wheeled to surgery at 4.40am. Epi shot after epi shot after epi shot were given to me to numb my body through the block. I ended up making the surgical team wait over an hour, going through 7 epi shots in that time that still came back patchy. In the end, the surgeon and I both agreed that we had been nearly 24hrs without waters in there, no progress, and he wanted to get the baby out asap, so I choose to be put under, with additional oxygen and a breathing tube in place down my throat.

I was taken out from general anesthetic just after 7am and taken to recovery where my husband was waiting for me with our daughter. I broke down in tears at that point.

TL;DR. Labored for 3 days. Tried my best for a vbac but failed. Baby born vis repeat ceaser.

She looks so much like her brother you guys! He's on the right (She doesn't have a beauty mark, its dried blood, but she has a matching Mongolian spot above her butt exactly like her brother.)

Im so proud of myself! I faced my fears and tried my best. I can't ask more than that.

But, I did it. I had my baby girl. 3 days of laboring, failed induction, baby that for whatever reason kept moving out of my pelvis (which I think is an issue with my pelvis), lack of oxygen intake and a body shutting down, unexplained epidurals not working as intended on my body and delivery via ceaser under general anesthetic, to finally hold my Elliana Ysobel, weighing 8lb 6oz, born 6:37am on Thursday 15th of Feb, Year of the Rooster.