family issues


Have you ever had to push a close family member out of your life because they were very toxic? I have a cousin that I have been close to since I was a small child ,we grew up t a good heart but has this hard exterior wall she keeps up. Ive deal with her hurting my feelings over the 20 years we been close on and off because I believe she dosent mean to be mean . But now that we are adults and she's still like this I have begun to distance myself from her. I cant take her negativity anymore. She's the type of person that will never admit when she's wrong. In every argument we have ever had I have always apologized first, even if I was right because I cared about our relationship more than being right. I had hoped that mabe she would change when we got older but it hasent happened. I miss her but there's no way I can even express these feelings ,she would just get defensive and that wouldn't solve anything.