Should I worry?

I’m worried that I may be pregnant while on Mirena again! I just finished a period about 2 weeks ago. On the last day of my period, my SO and I had a slip up and he didn’t pull out. The next day it happened again. I’m trying not to worry because I am on an iud but like I said I have gotten pregnant while using this birth control before. I’m worried that it has happened again because ever since those two slip ups, I’ve been having HORRIBLE cramps and my hip bones are killing me. My breasts are also sore and they were leaking earlier. I’m also more emotional than usual and I’m craving things that I don’t usually want. I have to use this birth control for medical reasons. I never cramp like this after a period. Please tell me I’m just being paranoid. We are not ready for another baby yet. No judgement please.

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