wrong group but not sure where to post.. anyone ever have to pack a wound?

got discharged from hospital last week, had a huge abcess under my arm that needed to be surgically cut open and drained. they kept me in the hospital for 2 days, and did the wound packing there. i was sent hkme and told to do it myself until it is healed.

obviously i have hubby doing it because i don't have the guts to do it myself. he did a great job! but yesterday when we went to change the packing, there was so little in there that it came out itself..

is that normal? i have a follow up dr appointment tomorrow anyway, just figured i'd ask on here 🤷🏻‍♀️ we didn't end up packing it last night as there is no more room for it to go in. just changed the dressing and used wound cleanser and peroxide. but it's starting to hurt a little 😩