Gender reveal 😍🧡


After waiting What seemed like forever to find out the gender of our second child, we finally found out on Valentine’s Day... ❤️BEST gift ever!!!! My son is 9 so I was secretly hoping and praying for a girl...

Though it was not all smooth sailing, had a 6pm appointment we were not seen until 7:50pm then spent the next hour and 40 mins upset because my ultrasound technician kept telling me I was not far enough along to find out my baby’s gender 19weeks 4 Days is ENOUGH TIME LADY!!!😡🤬

I was making a ton of comments to my husband, hinting how angry I was so finally the tech said well let me at least try to find out she says it’s not 100% clear but I think it’s a girl let me ask a coworker, at the point we found out that She was a student technician which explains having to spend another hour doing over my entire scan because she was unable to get correct measurements. Her senior technician came in and took over and redid my entire scan, because the student tech made a comment that my baby’s heart did not have 4 chambers scariest 15 mins I’ve had in a long time, but that was quickly corrected by the SR. Tech who also gave us the gender of our rainbow baby within 10 mins and was able to capture a clear image 🧡💛🧡....

And it’s a GIRL!!!😍🎊🎉 I love her so much already, her brother is over joyed he sang his song all the way to dinner, ( it’s a girl ha ha I’m having a baby sister haha not another mister ha ha) 😂🧡

Sorry for the long post!!!