Gender disappointment

I know this a sore topic for some, but man this real. We both wanted a girl so badly (I have a 10 year old son) we won’t be having any more children so this was my only/last chance to get a daughter. I feel like I’m mourning a daughter I never had. I’ll never get the chance to have a girls days with pedicures or go shopping with my daughter, pick out a prom dress, fix her hair, teach her how to do makeup. I LOVE my son, I wanted a boy when I was pregnant with him. I never saw myself as a “boy mom”, I don’t like sports, I hate being outside, I don’t do bugs, or fishing or hunting or any of that. Both of my best friends who were pregnant recently got the gender they wanted, my cousin who is also pregnant got the boy they wanted, I feel like I got gipped. I feel like God has ignored every prayer I’ve had for the last 4.5 months. Please don’t misunderstand, I’m thrilled and so thankful that I’m having a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy so far, but I can’t help but feel so let down. I was so excited to start buying and registering for baby stuff, and now I just don’t care either way, about getting the room ready or anything. I feel like such a terrible person and mom. My son is thrilled. He wanted a brother. I’m hoping this feeling passes soon, I don’t like this feeling.