Birth control + alcohol = 🤢


Ever since starting birth control 2 months ago, whenever I drink alcohol, I wake up in the middle of the night feeling incredibly sick. Typically I will have only been asleep for 2ish hours before I wake up covered in sweat, shaky, nauseated, and dizzy, with bad gas and sometimes diarrhea. This has been really bothering me because I am extremely emetephobic so I have a panic attack whenever I feel sick (I haven’t thrown up in 6 years). I never had this problem before starting the pill, and the amount I am consuming has not changed as I know the exact amount of alcohol I need to drink to get pleasantly buzzed without risk of getting sick. You may be thinking “well just don’t drink then,” but I’m going to Nassau with my senior class (where the drinking age is 18) so it’s pretty much inevitable. I want to know how to make this stop happening. Last night, for example, I ate a huge carb-loaded meal before drinking around 4 shots of vodka and I was in the best mood and I had a great Valentine’s Day dinner with my boyfriend. Then, I woke up at 3am feeling so incredibly ill, I even considered making myself throw up just to make the feeling stop— if I was willing to do the thing that caused me to have agoraphobia from age 7-12, and has made my life a living hell, you know how bad this is. If you have any advice I would really appreciate it!