Advice needed

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 months now. He treats me really well and he’s so lovely, but ever since we first ever did anything sexual, I noticed that a fishy smell was coming from his penis. I know it’s not me because I can’t smell it coming from myself. I also don’t think it’s because he’s unhygienic, he has very thorough showers at least once a day. I’ve tried to ignore it because I don’t want to hurt his feelings but it’s getting too much to handle now because sometimes I feel frustrated that he hasn’t noticed it. It’s so bad to the point that I struggle to give him head/suck him off because it makes me want to gag, or it turns me off during sex :/ I want to tell him politely so that I can move past it but I don’t know how to bring it up.

Does anyone have advice???