HELP! I want to take my friendship a bit FURTHER!

Okay so I have a friend whom before we became friends, we were talking, flirting, and sexting. After MONTHS of not talking or any internet connection, we are pretty cool. She does her thing, I do mine!

Last month we had sex and it was more of an “I owe you from the summer” type of thing, and we really enjoyed ourselves. Now a few days ago I was just studying biology and doing some laundry, when I was texting her during my break and giving her advice.

When I normally gave advice it was more like “I mean you could do this, but it’s up to you because you’ll do what you want.” Ya know? Not real advice. But I opened up, and I got real and raw about the advice and she really appreciated it!

About an hour later she sends me a text saying “wanna know something?” So, I said “Sure” thinking it was a fun fact, or that she saw someone out in public that we know... but instead, it was more along the lines of “I’m in the mood to eat your pussy”. Which to me was riveting because we have good convos when they are and aren’t sexy.

So we have yet to pick a date because we said we’d let each other know, but tomorrow we are going to the movies to see Black Panther, and I’m shaving everything just in case we have sex afterwards!

Out of all of this, I believe that she and I are good friends, who also have good sex! How do I tell her that I want to be friends with benefits? She’s so upfront, honest and blunt about everything, and I’m kind of the opposite. She makes me nervous when I’m in her presence, but not the kind of nervous you get when you’re about to tell your crush you like them.

So I just want to know different ways I can bring up friends with benefits, anyone have ideas?