
I am getting sad. I think even though as hard as Ive tried, my breast milk journey is ending. I hope maybe Im wrong but I dont know how to stop this downward trend.

My baby has a slight tongue and lip tie. The LC did not feel his latch was effected upon her review. However, this last week it just didnt feel like my LO was emptying my breasts. And suddenlt started getting lipstick nipples. We tried to get him to het a deeper latch but it doesnt happen.

He has been nursing nonstop for over a week, and is never satisfied. I end up giving him 2 oz after hes nursed for over 4 hrs. Then he finally gets satisfied and goes to sleep. Last night I nursed him forever, until I was at the point of tears and decided to give him the 2 oz. Then he fell asleep. So many people have told me to stop supplementing, but its such a struggle.

I told myself this morning Ill just start trying to pump exclusively. I was able to get an oz out of my left breast (nothing from my right, but he had just nursed it). Now I did it again and hardly got anything from either side. He did nurse both breasts very briefly before getting formula, but I didn’t expect the volume to be so low.

The kicker is that I can still hand express some even though the pump got nothing out.

Why is my milk just not transferring easily? Is my breast feeding journey coming to an end? Or can I somehow still make it?

My husband has been sick with a fever, so I cant have him take care of the baby while I go pump. So Ive also been struggling with pumping/sleeping and takin care of everythinf else. I also have been having to sleep on the couch, tryinf to avoid exposure. Im exhausted . Bt I really want to continue providing breastmilk as a means to give my baby antibodies so hopefully he wont get whatever my husband has. Im so frustrated. 😔