Hubby Rant

shae 🙃

For the past two weeks my hubby and I have been at odds.hes been really helpful this whole pregnancy not really complaining but for the past two weeks he’s been hell.i get no help and when I do I get an attitude and a complaint.its really frustrating because I feel so so weak at times body being over this pregnancy getting iron transfusions.and also my feet have been swelling really badly if I stand on them for more than 20mins.i just find myself doing all the work and I’m about over it.sometimes I say things but I really over arguing and it goes in one ear and out the due on the 18th and were still setting up stuff for baby and I’m the only one cleaning and getting things together while he sleeps 😒 granted we’re are both run down and stressed he gets up every morning at 2 to work from 4 to 12 mind you he’s standing the entire time.i usually let him get a nap when he comes home but when you get up damn at least give me some help 😩🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m just so hopeless and stressed and hope this doesn’t carry on when the baby comes ( also he isn’t getting paternity leave or any kind of time off so I’ll be the one doing all the work with the baby even when he gets home “and takes his afternoon naps” ) anyone go through something similar?

*i know this post was all over the place and my grammar is horrible,I was typing really fast sorry*