I flipped out on my bf

So I think I am the first girl to have been with my boyfriend since him and his ex broke up and they have a young child together. He is always saying how they have such a great relationship with each other for being ex’s (which sure, I guess if him caving to her and her bitching him out everytime she wants something, then sure it’s great), well he told me the other day when he picked up the child from her house oh he stood on her balcony and had a cigarette and blah blah blah while he was there. It really irritated me. When she comes to pick up their child (me and the boyfriend live together so I am there) she comes through our whole house when she’s here and is rude and will not talk to me.

So I finally asked how he would feel if it was the other way around and he doesn’t seem to see why I am so bothered by all of this. Someone please tell me I’m not crazy!