Vaginal Progesterone


Does anyone else take progesterone vaginally?!

How in the world do you keep it from oozing out of you all day?!

I slide it in with my middle finger (as told by my dr) push it as far up and back as I can get it and then go about my day. In about 20-30 mins after it breaks the ooze starts!

I have to wear a panty liner to catch it all. I swear I don’t know if any of it actually gets in side of me. I feel if you were to break the pill onto the pad that’s how much comes back out of me. Then it’s all wet and nasty.

I’m taking 3 pills a day orally and also 3 pills a day vaginally..... so I’m oozing allllll day long!!! It’s gross.

How do others deal with it??

What do you do differently or the same?