
Tawnni • 21 | Married💍 | Mommy of 2 | Military Spouse🇱🇷

I’m exclusively breastfeeding & pumping.

Went out to dinner and went to shoot pool afterwards. I drank one 12oz beer around 10:20’ish pm and came home around 12pm. I pumped since it was getting uncomfortable and it was gettinf close to 12pm.

My question is, can I save this pumped milk for later or the next day if I keep it in the fridge? Or do I have to dump it because it wasn’t completely passed 2 hours of drinking.

I feel sober and I had ate an hour before & was totally full. I weigh around 165-170lbs and my infant will be 2 months old on the 22nd.

I keep looking up but it says nothing about what to do about the milk that I pumped between the waiting period of 2 hour due to my weight and only one drink