No affection

I'm about 24 weeks pregnant, 24 weeks pregnant by my 31 yr old bf who has 5 kids. We've been together almost 18 months, in each other lives about 2 years. He spent the first yr of our rship cheating w his last bm/ex. 2017 was awful for me, I spent more time being basically forced to respect & do things to keep her comfortable, all while being extremely harassed by this woman. my bf has been complaining of me not being affectionate enough but after he did me so bad, it just didn't come naturally anymore. he says now, that he's not affectionate bc I'm not. I feel like after putting in so much effort to destroy & break somebody what's wrong with building back up what you spent so much time destroying. I'm not the most physically affectionate but I show my affection in different ways. I cook all the meals, make his plates, bring it all to him. I take care of his kids when they're around. for his bday I spent my last on him, baked him a cake, made his fave food. I just thought that after me becoming pregnant he'd step up to show me how much he loves me. despite constantly talking about marrying me, he doesn't cook for me ever, I complain of body pain constantly, I don't get rub downs, massages,foot rubs, anything. If he's not laying in bed, he doesn't touch me. he's doing good trying to fix the trust but the love is minimal. how do I love him like I did before he cheated so that I can get love & affection in return? He did so much but I chose to stay & I wanna know how to move threw it & truly get over it.