I wanna give up😔


Me and my husband been having issues I feel so alone. We both military and he’s away at a training school to get promoted. Our entire relationship has been long distance but before we got married I made it clear to him that this long distance thing was temporary and that I don’t do long distance. So far our own dreams seem to be taking us on different paths and I’m coming to terms with it but still trying to figure out where that puts our marriage. I didn’t marry him with the intention to ever separate otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten married. So more and more I have been feeling alone and these hormones don’t make it any better and he decided to tell me that he wants to go to another school and that he wouldn’t miss my graduation or the birth of our baby but two months after I delivered there would be another school. That broke me and my anxiety went through the roof my depression was heavier than ever because I felt like he is choosing to leave me and his newborn for his job. Mind you we both are national guard so this is not his full time job he has a civilian job and I’ve also sacrificed so much including putting my dream on the back burner until he figures out what he wants to do with his career. I also understand from a male perspective he wants to provide for his family but I feel like he can do that from home. He says he want me to meet him half way but I’ve done more than that and he barely took a step. He doesn’t know what comprise means and it’s really starting to affect my health. I just want to start back smoking and drinking so bad but I can’t because of my baby. I really just don’t know what to do anymore.