It must be nice...


My dad's sister was visiting from out of state today, so that whole family was together... One of my cousins was there with her 16 month old son and announced to everyone that she's expecting her second baby. I'm not angry, but can't help but think "it must be nice to get pregnant so easily". After that, the aunt from out of town asks in front of everyone, "so when are you going to have one?!?!". I know it wasn't meant to be hurtful, but it is so hard to sit there with a smile and say "oh, maybe someday..." when we've been trying for 2 and half years and not had luck with Clomid or

<a href="">IVF</a>

... We're planning to try

<a href="">IVF</a>

again in a few months, but we've kept that private (my SO isn't comfortable discussing with anyone outside of us) and it's been eating me up inside to have to sit there and listen to when what I really want to do is scream!!! I want to say "ACTUALLY, its something we've been trying very hard for" and "it must be incredibly hard on you that I haven't had a baby yet even though I'm trying like hell". It's costly and frustrating and I just want people to use their fucking brain and realize you don't know what fertiliry challenges someone might have and that asking that question is not as innocent as they'd hoped. Sigh. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!