
Hi guys I was just wondering if you guys know anyway that I can find out if the person who is renting us this home the real owner.. it’s a couple living there. The thing is they look like straight drug addicts, the guy was talking to us half asleep and the girl was stumbling while walking and all sucked up.. he had marks all over his arm like needle marks. The house is torn up but we did tell them that we would fix it and they said it was fine and that they would knock whatever we spend off the first month of rent. Now we already gave them the deposit because supposedly they where going to use the deposit money to fix whatever needs to be replaced. Well anyways he’s saying that the owner is his wife’s grandfather but he doesn’t want to give us his number or contact information so we can speak to him and give him the rent money. He said the only reason the grandfather bought it was because he doesn’t want her in the streets. I just want to make sure this is no fraud type of thing. I don’t want to spend money on the home and stuff and move out from where I’m from and end up having problems or getting kicked out with my daughter on the way.. is there anyway I can go somewhere and get the information on who really owns the home? I did take pictures of his ID and Car plates and we signed a paper stating that I already paid the deposit and how it’s going to be a month to month thing.. and also got a receipt. Any advice?! I don’t wanna get screwed over !