Envy my husbands freedom

This morning my husband left for DC with a group of friends to go gambling. He’s staying the night there and will be back sometime tomorrow. We live 3 hours away. Our son is 10 weeks old and I’m a stay at home mom. Seeing snaps of him drunk with our mutual friends pisses me off. Told me he gambled out 100 something to not even win a penny. Texting me while he’s drunk and can’t even text ONE word correctly. I love our son with every piece of me but those days are gone for me. And even if I wanted to who’s going to watch my baby? I would feel like a bad parent. I don’t have the desire to do it but just going out without a worry in the world must be real nice. I’m real close to spending money on whatever I want online just so I can have something for myself. I have buyers guilt and I always feel like I could buy something for the baby rather than myself. But hey, if he can go out and throw away 100 something then why can’t I spend money for myself? Again, I am a stay at home mom so he’ll end up paying for it. But this WHOLE TIME I refrain from spending money AT ALL. So now I’m just a pissed off wife and I feel extremely petty and immature but I’m really upset.