Advice please

My husband and I have been together 5 years (married since last June). I'm 6 weeks pregnant with our first (it was planned). A couple days ago I was doing our taxes and checked our credit and I found out he got a 3000 CC the month we got married without my knowledge and without telling me. He has lied to me a couple other times about money (how much he's saved or how much he paid on a credit card). After those two times of me finding out about his lying I said one more chance. We went to counseling to try to work on things and yet again I thought that we were doing better and I find this out. The whole time we were going to counseling he knew about the CC he got behind my back and never told me. My trust feels completely betrayed again. This lying is something I know I do not want to deal with in marriage. The hard thing is is that in every other way he is perfect. He treats me great, does what he needs to do, and is the almost perfect husband. Idk if my trust can be repaired with him this time though. Any advice?