been holding this in...


tbh i love my bf but its like my sex drive just have been going down lately with him... i just find it crazy because when we were on break (over a year ago) i slept with a guy that i had been talking to over 3 years (and kinda have feelings for him.. but we dont really talk like that no more rn) .. but getting back to the point sometimes when my boyfriend is in the mood im not and then even when we do have sex i still feel like im not sastified and then sometimes while we are having sex all i can think about is the other guy i had sex with over a year ago and then while i be thinking bout the other guy while me and my boyfriend are doing it i get really turned on jjst by thinking bout him... uhggg does this makes me a bad person and what should i do... i really am in love with my boyfriend and dont want to leave him but what should i do. HELP😣😣😣😣😣