Marriage problems


Sometimes my husband makes no damn sense. Things have been not so great intimately, so the issue was brought up today. We have been really stressed and busy, and on top of that I’ve had no interest in initiating our bedroom time since he’s been a real jerk lately. So he had a good motivational talk with me about our marriage.. then he just starts to argue with me about petty crap after dinner (while I’m doing everything.. cooking changing diapers I cleaned all day, making cookies put babies to sleep..) I had a two glasses of wine with dinner and he does crap like this to make it seem like I’m the bad person.. he goes to bed without doing anything really.. working on yr 4.. 3 kids, and no dates. Just had an hour out for our anniversary that just passed🤦🏻‍♀️ idk on top of my mother in law Staying with us our marriage is a wreck.