
Hannah • {aspiring coloratura soprano} •vocal performance major | APSU Gov '21• Eli <3

My mother and father are starting to disapprove of my boyfriend because he doesn’t have a job (he is constantly looking for one, and hasn’t gotten any luck), and because they think he is lazy (not true at all).

My mother told me tonight that I should leave him and find someone better. My boyfriend is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m not going to leave the person I love just because they’re in a rough place.

I’ve constantly searched for my parents’ approval for years, and nothing I do ever pleases them.

I am an adult. I make my own choices. I love this man and I am going to do everything I can for him.

He loves me with all of his heart, and is so desperate for a job so he can provide for me and our life together. When I try to explain that, my parents do not listen to me or anything I say.

I’m sick of it. I’m sick of them. I know they’re looking out for me, but they don’t know him or our relationship like I do. I am just beyond sick of this.