Sleeping together

My husband and I we have been married for almost 3 years now. He’s not perfect but he’s a good guy.

I have always been the kind of person to go to bed early because I wake up too early too. He’s more like 11 or 12!

Well since like 3 months now he goes to bed at 2, 3 or even 4 in the morning including weekends. Cuz he need to work and he plays video games online and here and there he gambles.

Im at bed at 9 or 10:39. Sometimes I feel that im Not married. I never sleep with him and when i arribe from work he’s working (from Home) he takes some time for me for like dinner and a episode or two of series and them out. He goes off to work or to play video games.

Barely helps me out in the house, i need to ask for everything so he can do it. And lately got a gambling thing. Were he lost a lot of money on his first time gambling online.

Groceries, cleaning, laundry organizing, the dog, cooking, etc is done by me. Lately he help me put a bit with the dishwasher and here and there when i ask for it, but i don’t know if it is just because he feels bad for the gambling situation, which he said that he bad the money and he could and that is was like a hobby and like me that I go to the gym or buy clothes, same thing.... hmmm not is not the same thing :(.

My stomach feels sick and and stress about this.

I have talk about this with him a hundred times about everything. But i need to talk sooooo much so a little change is made I need to cry so much and be sad so he can see that it affects me.