Spent all weekend in Antepartum. I’m ready to go home.


Went to an appt with my OB to do a NST and I was getting contractions every 2 minutes so she sent me straight to the hospital for monitoring. I thought I was leaving the next day but my uterus had other plans. It decided to contract pretty much none stop, they tried everything. Cervix has changed very little. Maybe a finger tip in and a bit of softening. They finally have me on two different pills for contractions that seem to be working for now. Hopefully I get to go home today and see my husband and baby boy!! 31 weeks preggo, delivering at 37 weeks due to Cholestasis. They think I’m having preterm contractions bc of excess amniotic fluid. 😑 fingers crossed I get to come home today. They had me talk to a NICU doctor just in case and that was so scary.