Trying after Stillbirth


Have any of you ladies decided to get pregnant after losing a baby? Were you super stressed? If you did get pregnant was the baby healthy?

May 6, 2017 I was 34 + 6 with a little girl scheduled to be delivered at 36. It was late in the evening and we were winding down for bedtime when I noticed she was moving much. After I laid my son down and kissed my husband goodbye I laid down thinking maybe she would move. When she didn't I called my mom who told me that everything was probably fine and I was just over reacting. I trusted her and went to sleep. The next morning she still wasn't moving so I ate breakfast and downed a gallon of orange juice and still nothing so I called the hospital. The on call doctor told me to come in and be prepared to deliver. When we got there thy immediately found a heart beat that was 182 mine was 91 at first we all breathed a sigh of relief but then they couldn't find it again so an ultrasound was ordered it didn't take long for me to know something was wrong. I remember looking at the screen and seeing no movement at all and the doctor jumping and trying to hide it and telling myself that I was wrong and looking again as the doctor was trying desperately to find a heart beat even one so faint that we couldn't see but could hear it. I remember the look on her face as she said she was sorry for my loss I remember screaming no and calling family and then finally having her in my arms and begging god to let her take a breath just one little breath. My little girl was born May 7, 2017 at 2:11 pm sh weighed 6 pounds and 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. She was perfect and so beautiful.