Just feeling Alone


So my husband and I have been married for 6 years and we just recently had a daughter and he seems to not want to take responsibility of being a father. I'm with her all day and night. He doesn't hardly anything for her and when I do ask him, he huffs and puffs like its a chore. But the things that's really getting on my last nerve is him always going out with his friend's and making time for them instead of his daughter. He'd rather go out and play pool with them til 3-4 a.m. than be home with the baby and me. Whenever he gets the chance he's out with his friends. He'll even leave home early(to go to work) to go spend time with friends. I just feel so alone and neglected that I'm just fed up with it. It's almost to the point where I'm seriously considering talking to a guy because I'm that lonely. I don't know what to do. It seems like all he does is use me for sex and then he's done and doesn't care for me any more. I'm through with feeling like this.