when you have more than 1 kid


I have a 7 year old, a 5 year old, a 3 year old, a 5 month old and 6 weeks pregnant... this is how my morning went. I got up got everyone breakfast. Packed my husband a lunch for work and sent him on his way. Cleaned up the kids breakfast dishes. I go to the bathroom. The door opens... my 5 year old "mom will you paint my nails?" "Yes Winter when I get out of the bathroom." The door shuts. About 40 secs later the door opens, my 7 year old. "mom I want to watch a movie." "Alan your 7 and know how to work the tv go put your movie on!" the door shuts. About 30 secs later the door opens, my 3 year old " mom you forgot to give us our vitamin" "OMG!!! Timberwolf can I please take a shit alone!!??!!!"