March cycle 🤞

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

So! Last cycle was a bust, and it was extra disheartening being that October is my favorite month and hubby and I were hoping for an October babe -- but it just wasn't in the stars for us. I'm 32, he's 33, we've been together for 11 years and now TTC our first. It feels so defeating to know that you're going above and beyond, but it's just not happening. Since December, I've been taking wholefood prenatal vitamins, changed my diet to include tons of fresh raw veggies and fruits, drinking tons of water, then in January I started using OPK's, charting BBT, and began using Pre-seed. We have sex, on average, every other day even when we're NOT trying to make babies, and every day during my fertile window. This cycle I'm kicking it up a notch:

Have I lost my mind? Possibly 😂 I've never used the Soft Cups before, but some women swear by them -- so we'll see! I just wish I could get my hubby on board with eating healthier! He does certain things that are known to lower sperm count and motility, and though he wants children, he doesn't seem willing to change a few of these habits. I'll keep trying in the mean time... here's to making March 2018 babies! Good luck to everyone else that's TTC this cycle 😙