Social Media Relationship

It’s a story of hopeless love of modern time. We met years ago on internet by chance (we had some common friends). We just saw each other really few times, and after every meeting he had an affair with someone else. Finally i understood he plays like a kid and i stopped communication with him for more than 2 years. After this long time (during that time he tried to have communication with me but i ignored), finally we talked again and met. And what happened? He again did not answer my phone and messages (after saying that he was in love with me). Maybe you don’t believe love, you think i’m stupid (i think so) or smth else. In real life, i cannot talk about this shit story to my loved ones. Because they only criticise me and judge me badly. I know, i shouldn’t have seen him. But i did it already. I also feel like shit. Hope, there is someone(s) who can give me advise or tell me what kind of psychology is this.