D&C suction


Me and my fiancé got pregnant October 3rd, I went to my first ultrasound when I was 8 weeks everything was fine. I went back at 12 weeks and they told me there was no heart beat and the fetus was measuring 10 weeks. They asked me if I wanted to take the pill or get a suction D&C; but they told me if I take the pill there’s a chance that the placenta might not come out so I’ll have to have the D&C; if it doesn’t so I chose a D&C; I had that done December 15th and I feel like nothing has been normal with me. I spot randomly all the time and my periods aren’t like how they use to be, the doctors office said it’s normal it can continue for up to 3 months. I’ve been trying to get pregnant but haven’t had any luck. I heard you’re more fertile after a D&C;, I’m not sure if my ovulation dates are calculated correctly but we’re still trying 🤞🏽 anyone else experience this?