Can someone please reassure??

I am 37 yes old with my 7th pregnancy. I’ve had miscarriages and healthy babies and so I am always nervous and paranoid. I do have twins and in general carry very big. I am not obese or a heavy girl in general but I do work at my figure and am short.

I’ve always carried big and always gained a lot of weight while pregnant. My doc hasn’t said a word about anything. Thank G-d everything is going well and last appointment (27weeks) the baby measured within a few days give or take of the due date. I am now 28 weeks and everyone keeps asking me if I’m sure it’s only one in there. I have told my parents and inlaws in the past when I was carrying twins so my mom keeps cornering me (not in a mean way) and asking me are u sure there’s only one. I asked my husband what is going on so he said yes compared to past pregnancies, while now being in the 7th month I do look much bigger and more like I’m carrying in the ninth.

Should I be worried?? I will ask my doc in the next appointment but still he hasn’t raised any alarms and I took my sugar test last appointment and they haven’t called which they said means all is ok...

Is carrying very big for the month ur in indicative of something negative? I’m so much more nervous now...